Measurement of Radiation Exposure to Caregivers of Patients with Thyroid Diseases Treated with Iodine-131: A Review
This review paper aimed to examine radiation safety issues related to relatives as well as caregivers of patients with thyroid diseases treated with radioiodine (I-131). During I-131 therapy for thyroid disorders such as hyperthyroidism, patients receiving I-131 doses (200-800 MBq) emit radioactive radiations which pose a prospective risk to other people. Critical groups are patients’ visitors and families, especially children. Following the updated international guidelines, the doses received by members of the public as a proportion of the therapy of a patient have been decreased. The public annual dose limits are 1 mSv, although higher doses are permitted for adults in the patient’s family, provided that the maximum 5 mSv is not surpassed for 5 years. Without compliance with the current recommendations, extended hospitalizations for patients are essential. Family members should therefore limit close interactions with an individual for some duration following thyroid therapy with I-131.
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Issue | Vol 7 No 3 (2020) | |
Section | Literature (Narrative) Review(s) | |
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Radioiodine Hyperthyroidism Iodine-131 Thyroid Cancer Treatment Radioactive Radiations |
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