Mean Glandular Dose Measurement in Three Mammography Centers in Kashan: An approach to Provide a Local DRL
Purpose: Mammography is the most important diagnostic modality for early detection of breast cancer, however, concerns related to the side effects induced by ionizing radiation are still present. In the current study, the Mean Glandular Dose (MGD) values for mammography examinations as well as a local Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) were obtained for mammography centers in Kashan, Iran.
Materials and Methods: Three mammography devices from three radiology centers were selected to obtain the MGD values of mammography examinations. To assess the MGD values, the technical parameters for patients’ imaging at these three radiology centers were extracted. Then, the incident air kerma (in mGy) value received by each patient was measured by a UNIDOS E electrometer (PTW, Germany) along with a SFD mammography ionization chamber (PTW, Germany). Finally, the incident air kerma values were converted to the MGD values by specific conversion factors. Based on the obtained MGD values, a local DRL was also established for mammography examinations.
Results: Mean MGD values per exposure were obtained 2.39 ± 1.46 mGy for Right Craniocaudal (RCC), 2.64 ± 1.67 mGy for Left Craniocaudal (LCC), 2.82 ± 1.89 mGy for Right Mediolateral Oblique (RMLO), and 3.09 ± 1.90 mGy for left mediolateral oblique views. Moreover, a local DRL obtained from mammography examinations, which was established as the overall median of MGD value, was 1.72 mGy (1.91 mGy for digital and 1.32 mGy for analog mammography).
Conclusion: The MGD values for different views obtained in this study are in the range of previously reported values. Considering the European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis, it can be mentioned that the obtained DRL was less than the recommended dose level (2.0 mGy).
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Mammography Mean Glandular Dose Diagnostic Reference Level Iran |
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