Original Article

Body-Mass Index-Based Effective Dose Determination in Commonly Performed Computed Tomography Examinations in Adults


Purpose: With the widespread application of ionizing radiation in medical practice, concerns have been increased regarding the hazardous effects of radiation. Studies have demonstrated that some variables such as body dimensions affect the absorbed radiation dose. In this study, the association between Body Mass Index (BMI) and absorbed dose in Computed Tomography (CT) is investigated.

Materials and Methods: A total of 550 adult patients (age ≥ 15 years) were included in the study. The height and weight of the patients were recorded for BMI calculation. Dosimetry data were acquired from digital imaging and communications in medicine dose reports. The patients were categorized into five groups according to their BMI, the categorized information was then imported into ImPACT Dose software for calculation of Size-Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE) and organ and effective doses. The relationship between patient BMI and the effective dose was also determined.

Results: A higher BMI contributed to increased radiation dose and SSDE in patients who had undergone chest or abdomen-pelvis CT examination (p < 0.05).  

Conclusion: The radiation dose is related to a patient’s BMI and rises with an increase in BMI. Accordingly, it is suggested that BMI and other variables, such as the type of scan and other body dimensions, which affect the radiation dose, can be used to estimate the radiation dose before performing CT. This estimation can be considered for the justification and optimization of CT examinations.

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IssueVol 9 No 4 (2022) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/fbt.v9i4.10425
Computed Tomography Body Mass Index Effective Dose Size-Specific Dose Estimate

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How to Cite
Deevband MR, Hosseini Nasab SMB, Mohammadi H, Salimi Y, Mostaar A, Deravi N, Fathi M, Vakili K, Yaghoobpoor S, Ghorbani M. Body-Mass Index-Based Effective Dose Determination in Commonly Performed Computed Tomography Examinations in Adults. Frontiers Biomed Technol. 2022;9(4):316-322.