Study of Heart Rate Variability to Comprehend the Significance of Singing Bowl Meditation on the Functioning of the Autonomic Nervous System
This study is aimed to determine whether Himalayan singing bowl vibrations could lead to deeper and faster relaxation than supine silence. Numerous civilizations have used singing bowls, gongs, bells, didgeridoos, and voice sounds and chants as instruments for sound healing for ages in religious rites, festivals, social celebrations, and meditation activities. The effect of sound vibrations on physical and mental wellness is supported by scientific research. Although various pieces of research have demonstrated the effect of meditation on humans, very few studies have been done on the beneficial effects of singing bowls on the body and the mind (decrease in unease and temperament, Electroencephalogram etc.). This study suggests two machine learning (ML) models for automatic classification of the meditative state from the normal state using the HRV data. The HRV parameters were subjected to statistics-based t-test method to choose appropriate inputs for the ML models. In the first case study, it seems that the MLP 31-13-2 model, boasting a training accuracy of 83.75%, was the most effective model. On average, the RBF 31-17-2 model performed the best in testing for the second case study.
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