Technical Note

Sensitivity Improvement of Optical Computed Tomography Scanners for Scanning Gel Dosimeters


Despite recent advances in Optical Computed Tomography (OCT) systems, there is skepticism regarding the sensitivity and performance of these systems for gel dosimetry. The optical sensitivity of gel dosimeters changes at different wavelengths and their maximum sensitivities are achieved at the particular wavelengths. Therefore, the optimal wavelength must be used for optical scanning of the gel dosimeters. Since OCT systems are used for scanning different gel dosimeters, a mono-energy light source would not lead to optimal performance. Commercially available multi-wavelength lasers provide a variety of power and wavelength ranges. Adopting multi-wavelength light sources instead of single-wavelength laser sources increases the price of the system by less than 5%, which is justifiable and ignorable due to the considerably increased performance and sensitivity. In the proposed approach, only the wavelength of the scanning beam would be optimized based on the gel dosimeter type. The rules for determining the opacity of the beam path across the sample are the same for all gel dosimeters. Therefore, the change in wavelength of the scanning beam didn’t change the scanning procedure and there is no additional complexity in the OCTs with the multi-wavelength light sources.

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IssueVol 12 No 1 (2025) QRcode
SectionTechnical Note
Optical Computed Tomography Polymer Gel Dosimetry Multi-Wavelength Lasers Optical Sensitivity Of the Gel Dosimeters

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Abdi A. Sensitivity Improvement of Optical Computed Tomography Scanners for Scanning Gel Dosimeters. Frontiers Biomed Technol. 2025;12(1):201-204.