Influence of Gold, Rhodium and Flexy Blue titanium esthetic surface coating of NiTi archwire on mutans streptococci adhesion: An in vitro study
Background and Objective: Orthodontic archwires play an important part in the demineralization of enamel during orthodontic treatment. Dental caries is thought to be caused by the adhesion and colonization of mutans streptococci on these surfaces, followed by the formation of pathogenic plaque. This research was conducted with the purpose of testing and comparing the adhesion of mutans streptococci to a variety of aesthetic archwires as well as a conventional archwire made of NiTi.
Methods: four types of nickel titanium archwires with round cross section 0.016 inch were used in the current study, one type uncoated NiTi and three types of coated NiTi (rhodium, gold and flexyblue). After two hours of agitation in 2 ml of sterile UWS, 5 pieces of each archwire incubated in a streptococcus mutans suspension for 5-, 90-, and 180-minutes time interval. Bacterial adhesion was assessed by a microbial culture technique and the amount of bacterial adhesion were counted by colony forming unit.
Results: there was no statistically significant differences in mutans streptococci adhesion among archwires at (90 and 180 minutes), However, at 5 minutes, the differences between gold and uncoated NiTi and rhodium and uncoated NiTi were statistically significant.
Conclusion: Clinical use of esthetic-coated archwires may provide the same risks for bacterial adhesion compared with uncoated conventional archwires and increased mutans streptococci adhesion was significantly related to longer incubation time.
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Archwire adhesion Surface coating Mutans streptococci Esthetic archwires NiTi alloys |
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